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IIRF Rankings for SAIMS:
In 2023, SAIMS Medical College holds the 87th position among the top 100 colleges in India, maintaining its reputation as the 5th best in Madhya Pradesh. In the previous year, 2022, it secured the 84th rank in India and was the 3rd best in Madhya Pradesh.
For Nursing, SAIMS is positioned at 142 out of 300 in the 2023 rankings, making it the 6th best in Madhya Pradesh. In the 2022 rankings, it secured the 136th position in India and was the 8th best in Madhya Pradesh.
Marketing, Finance, Operation Management, Strategic Management, and more.
Marketing, Finance, Operation Management, Strategic Management, and more.
Indore, Madhya Pradesh
Marketing, Finance, Operation Management, Strategic Management, and more.
Indore, Madhya Pradesh
Marketing, Finance, Operation Management, Strategic Management, and more.
Indore, Madhya Pradesh
Marketing, Finance, Operation Management, Strategic Management, and more.
Indore, Madhya Pradesh
Marketing, Finance, Operation Management, Strategic Management, and more.
Indore, Madhya Pradesh
Marketing, Finance, Operation Management, Strategic Management, and more.
Indore, Madhya Pradesh