Sambhram Academy of Management Studies (SAMS, Bangalore), established in 1991 in Bangalore, Karnataka, is a renowned institute offering a variety of degree programs. The institute provides 3 undergraduate and 3 postgraduate programs in fields such as Business & Management Studies, Accounting & Commerce, and IT & Software. Courses are delivered in full-time mode by highly experienced faculty members. SAMS, Bangalore, is approved by AICTE and other accrediting bodies, ensuring quality education for aspiring students at an affordable fee.
Marketing, Finance, Operation Management, Strategic Management, and more.
MBA - ₹58,470
BBA - ₹70,000
BCA - ₹70,000
B.Com - ₹65,000
M.Com - ₹75,000
MCA - ₹75,000
Application Process:
For Online Application:
Attach the required documents, including:
For Offline Application:
Approved by AICTE
SAMS MBA has been ranked 183 out of 200 colleges in India for the year 2024, showing an improvement from its previous position of 186 out of 200 in 2023, according to the Outlook rankings.
The library features a diverse collection of books covering various areas of management, economics, and accounting. It includes business magazines and journals that play a crucial role in shaping the minds of future managers. There is a dedicated section for Indian Management, focusing on books related to the essence and practicability of Indian Management.
Sports Complex:
The institute offers a cafeteria for students to dine and socialize.
Hospital/Medical Facilities:
Wi-Fi Campus:
The campus is equipped with Wi-Fi for seamless connectivity.
Shuttle Service:
Marketing, Finance, Operation Management, Strategic Management, and more.
Bangalore, Karnataka
Marketing, Finance, Operation Management, Strategic Management, and more.
Bangalore, Karnataka
Marketing, Finance, Operation Management, Strategic Management, and more.
Bangalore, Karnataka